WP User Manual Site Management Updating WordPress for Lightning Speed and Ironclad Security

Updating WordPress for Lightning Speed and Ironclad Security


Master the art of boosting site performance and security by updating WordPress with our step-by-step guide.

Updating a WordPress site is important to keep it secure, improve performance, and access new features. Here are step-by-step instructions for how to update WordPress, plugins, and themes:

Note: Before you start, it’s a good practice to back up your website and database. This ensures that you can restore your site in case anything goes wrong during the update.

Updating WordPress and all the things

Step 1: Log in

Log In to Your WordPress Dashboard

Step 2: Check for Updates

To get started updating WordPress, on the menu, hover over Dashboard, then select Updates.

On this page, you may see updates available for multiple items. Let’s start with WordPress itself.

Step 3: WordPress Updates

Near the top of this page, you should see the current version of WordPress for your site.

If you are already using the latest version of WordPress, on this page will appear the following message:

You have the latest version of WordPress.

The WordPress updates screen shows that the latest version of WordPress is already installed.

If an update is available, this message should appear on this page:

An updated version of WordPress is available

Underneath that quote should be a button labeled “Update to version …” with the latest version number at the end. Click that button and WordPress will update itself. It may take a few minutes.

The WordPress update page shows there is a newer version of WordPress available.

Step 4: Plugin Updates

Below the WordPress update section, there should be a section titled “Plugins”. 

If all your plugins are already running their current versions, there should be a message:

Your plugins are all up to date.

If there are updates available, a table of the plugins with updates should appear. To update the plugins:

  • Either check the boxes for specific plugins OR check the “Select All” checkbox at the top or bottom of the table
  • Click the “Update Plugins” button

It may take a few minutes for the plugin updates to complete.

The plugin updates section of the WordPress update page shows that there are plugin updates available.

Step 5: Theme Updates

Below the plugin update section, there should be a section titled “Themes”. 

If all your themes are already running their current versions, there should be a message:

Your themes are all up to date.

If there are updates available, a table of the themes with updates should appear. To update the themes:

  • Either check the boxes for specific themes OR check the “Select All” checkbox at the top or bottom of the table
  • Click the “Update Themes” button.

It may take a few minutes for the theme updates to complete.

The theme section of the WordPress updates page shows there are themes with updates available.

Step 6: Other Updates

Some themes and plugins may have additional updates available within their settings or configuration pages. Be sure to check each one for their respective updates.

Step 7: Test Your Site

After updating everything, thoroughly test your website to ensure that it’s functioning correctly. Check various pages, forms, and functionalities to make sure nothing is broken.

Step 8: Backup Your Site Again

Finally, after the updates are complete, create another backup of your site to capture the updated version.

Best Practices

Backup, backup, backup

Creating regular backups can resolve issues resulting from performing updates, security breaches, and other issues. Remember to backup before starting any updates and backup when you finish.

Ideally, create regular backups as well. How often you frequently backup depends on how frequently you post. If you post daily, you should back up daily as well. If you post less frequently, then backing up less often should suffice.

Many web hosts offer tools for backing up your site and database. There are also many WordPress plugins like SolidSecurity by SolidWP, which features a full suite of tools for keeping your site secure, including creating backups.

Update Themes and Plugins Regularly

Keep in mind that updates are released regularly. Make it a habit to check for updates and apply them to keep your site secure and optimized.

Monitor Your Website

Continuously monitor your site for any issues that might arise as a result of updates. If you encounter problems, consider seeking help from a WordPress developer or support community.

By following these steps, you can keep your WordPress site up-to-date and functioning smoothly. Remember that regular updates are essential for security, performance, and compatibility.

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